About the Book
Purpose of the Book
Welcome to this collaborative textbook. It originated as part of the CS249r: Tiny Machine Learning course that Prof. Vijay Janapa Reddi teaches at Harvard University.
The goal of this book is to provide a resource for educators and learners seeking to understand the principles and practices of machine learning systems. This book is continually updated to incorporate the latest insights and effective teaching strategies with the intent that it remains a valuable resource in this fast-evolving field. So please check back often!
Context and Development
The book reflects a blend of pedagogical expertise and cutting-edge research. Developed collaboratively with contributions from students, researchers, and practitioners, it bridges academic rigor and real-world application.
We’ve designed the book to evolve alongside advancements in the field, fostering a collaborative environment where knowledge can grow and adapt.
What to Expect
This textbook explores the foundational principles, practical workflows, and critical challenges of building and deploying machine learning systems. Starting with foundational concepts, it progresses through engineering principles, examines operational considerations for deploying AI systems, and concludes by reflecting on the societal and technological implications of machine learning.
Learning Goals
Key Learning Outcomes
This book is structured with Bloom’s Taxonomy in mind, which defines six levels of learning, ranging from foundational knowledge to advanced creative thinking:
Remembering: Recalling basic facts and concepts.
Understanding: Explaining ideas or processes.
Applying: Using knowledge in new situations.
Analyzing: Breaking down information into components.
Evaluating: Making judgments based on criteria and standards.
Creating: Producing original work or solutions.
Learning Objectives
This book supports readers in:
Understanding Fundamentals: Explain the foundational principles of machine learning, including theoretical underpinnings and practical applications.
Analyzing System Components: Evaluate the critical components of AI systems and their roles within various architectures.
Designing Workflows: Outline workflows for developing machine learning systems, from data collection to deployment.
Optimizing Models: Apply methods to enhance performance, such as hyperparameter tuning and regularization.
Evaluating Ethical Implications: Analyze societal impacts and address potential biases in AI systems.
Exploring Applications: Investigate real-world use cases across diverse domains.
Considering Deployment Challenges: Address security, scalability, and maintainability in real-world systems.
Envisioning Future Trends: Reflect on emerging challenges and technologies in machine learning.
AI Learning Companion
Throughout this resource, you’ll find SocratiQ—an AI learning assistant designed to enhance your learning experience. Inspired by the Socratic method of teaching, SocratiQ combines interactive quizzes, personalized assistance, and real-time feedback to help you reinforce your understanding and create new connections. As part of our experiment with Generative AI technologies, SocratiQ encourages critical thinking and active engagement with the material.
SocratiQ is still a work in progress, and we welcome your feedback to make it better. For more details about how SocratiQ works and how to get the most out of it, visit the AI Learning Companion page.
Transparency and Collaboration
This book is a community-driven project, with content generated collaboratively by numerous contributors over time. The content creation process may have involved various editing tools, including generative AI technology. As the main author, editor, and curator, Prof. Vijay Janapa Reddi maintains human oversight to ensure the content is accurate and relevant.
However, no one is perfect, and inaccuracies may still exist. Your feedback is highly valued, and we encourage you to provide corrections or suggestions. This collaborative approach is crucial for maintaining high-quality information and making it globally accessible.
Copyright and Licensing
This book is open-source and developed collaboratively through GitHub. Unless otherwise stated, this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
Contributors retain copyright over their individual contributions, dedicated to the public domain or released under the same open license as the original project. For more information on authorship and contributions, visit the GitHub repository.
Join the Community
This textbook is more than just a resource—it’s an invitation to collaborate and learn together. Engage in community discussions to share insights, tackle challenges, and learn alongside fellow students, researchers, and practitioners.
Whether you’re a student starting your journey, a practitioner solving real-world challenges, or a researcher exploring advanced concepts, your contributions will enrich this learning community. Introduce yourself, share your goals, and let’s collectively build a deeper understanding of machine learning systems.